Apa yang membuat Australia maju

 Ada setidaknya 3 alasan kenapa Australia bisa maju. Pertama, karena SDA-nya yang melimpah. Kedua, karena secara geopolitik mereka harus maju. Dan ketiga, karena yang mengelola tidak punya tradisi KKN mengakar.

Untuk alasan pertama, Australia sebenarnya adalah negara maju yang industri high technya tidak bagus-bagus amat. Jangan sandingkan negeri Kangguru ini dengan China, Jepang, Korsel, apalagi Amerika.

Australia tidak punya brand mobil yang sukses. Mereka juga tidak mengekspor smartphone dan produk-produk berbasis teknologi lainnya. Ekonomi Australia, dalam jumlah yang signifikan, ditunjang oleh sektor ekstraktif pertambangan untuk komoditas seperti bijih besi dan batu bara.

Konsumennya siapa? Tentu negara-negara Asia, khususnya China.

Namun, industri ekstraktif Australia tidak "predatori" seperti di Indonesia. Sebab di sektor ini, mereka punya SDM dan fasilitas yang bagus. Perusahaan-perusahaan tambang Australia pun bukan hanya beroperasi di negerinya, tapi juga di negara lain.

Kedua, dari segi geopolitik, Australia memang harus maju. Australia adalah wakil barat di Asia Pasifik. Mereka punya perjanjian kerja sama seperti AUKUS, ANZUS, Five Eyes, dan lainnya. Mereka akan selalu membantu kepentingan Inggris dan AS, baik secara diam-diam maupun terang-terangan.

Pada masa lalu, Australia juga mendapatkan banyak bantuan investasi dari Inggris. Ingat, orang Australia itu pada dasarnya adalah orang Inggris juga. Jadi asalkan negara ini "sadar diri", mereka akan selalu diberi karpet merah. Mereka tak akan diembargo, dikucilkan, atau diabaikan. Mereka akan selalu didukung.

Terakhir, meski awalnya hanya dijadikan tempat buangan, Australia tidak punya kultur KKN yang mengakar seperti Indonesia. Anyway, sebenarnya sebagian besar orang yang datang ke australia bukanlah pelaku kriminal. Banyak juga kelompok yang merupakan "orang bebas" yang datang karena emas (gold rush).

Australian gold rushes - Wikipedia
Mass movement of Australian workers to places rumored to have gold (1851–1910s) Australian gold rushes Date May 1851 – c. 1914 Location Australia Type Gold rush Theme Significant numbers of workers (both from other areas within Australia and from overseas) relocated to areas in which gold had been discovered Cause prospector Edward Hargraves claimed to have discovered payable gold near Orange Outcome Changed the convict colonies into more progressive cities with the influx of free immigrants; Western Australia joined Federation During the Australian gold rushes , starting in 1851, significant numbers of workers moved from elsewhere in Australia and overseas to where gold had been discovered. Gold had been found several times before, but the colonial government of New South Wales ( Victoria did not become a separate colony until 1 July 1851) had suppressed the news out of the fear that it would reduce the workforce and destabilise the economy. [1] After the California Gold Rush began in 1848, many people went there from Australia, so the New South Wales government sought approval from the British Colonial Office for the exploitation of mineral resources, and offered rewards for finding gold. [2] History of discovery The first gold rush in Australia began in May 1851 after prospector Edward Hargraves claimed to have discovered payable gold near Orange , at a site he called Ophir . [3] Hargraves had been to the Californian goldfields and had learned new gold prospecting techniques such as panning and cradling. Hargraves was offered rewards by the Colony of New South Wales and the Colony of Victoria. Before the end of the year, the gold rush had spread to many other parts of the state where gold had been found, not just to the west but also to the south and north of Sydney . [4] The Australian gold rushes changed the convict colonies into more progressive cities with the influx of free immigrants . These hopefuls, termed diggers, brought new skills and professions, contributing to a burgeoning economy. The mateship that evolved between these diggers and their collective resistance to authority led to the emergence of a unique national identity. Although not all diggers found riches on the goldfields, many decided to stay and integrate into these communities. [5] In July 1851, Victoria's first gold rush began on the Clunes goldfield. [6] In August, the gold rush had spread to include the goldfield at Buninyong (today a suburb of Ballarat ) 45 km (28 mi) away and, by early September 1851, to the nearby goldfield at Ballarat (then also known as Yuille's Diggings), [7] [8] [9] [10] followed in early September to the goldfield at Castlemaine (then known as Forest Creek and the Mount Alexander Goldfield) [11] and the goldfield at Bendigo (then known as Bendigo Creek) in November 1851. [12] Gold, just as in New South Wales, was also found in many other parts of the state. The Victorian Gold Discovery Committee wrote in 1854: The discovery of the Victorian G

Dibantu oleh Inggris, transisi birokrasi di Australia berjalan dengan baik. Sebab meski Inggris masih memiliki monarki, Inggris sudah mengalami perubahan politik sejak abad ke 16 hingga 17. Jadi ketika nusantara sedang sibuk convert dari kerajaan Hindu ke kerajaan Islam, Great Britain sudah belajar berdemokrasi :)

Dan mereka pun tidak pelit mengajari anaknya cara berdemokrasi yang bersih dan efisien.

Hal ini berkebalikan dengan yang terjadi di Hindia Belanda. Di wilayah cikal bakal Indonesia tersebut, Belanda justru memanfaatkan kultur feodalisme untuk mendapatkan keuntungan sebanyak-banyaknya sehingga praktik KKN mengakar amat kuat di zamrud kathulistiwa.


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