Blok M adalah nama sebuah kawasan yang terkenal di Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan. Kawasan ini adalah kawasan perdagangan di kecamatan ini.

Kecamatan Kebayoran Baru di Jakarta Selatan memiliki sejarah sebagai daerah terakhir di Batavia atau Jakarta yang dikembangkan oleh pemerintahan kolonial Belanda, seusainya Perang Dunia II. Sebagai kota satelit, maka Kebayoran Baru dibagi menjadi beberapa blok. Blok ini dari A sampai S.

Lokasi Kebayoran Baru di Jakarta Selatan. Peta buatan saya di Wikipedia

Blok M berada di pusat Kecamatan Kebayoran Baru (gambar milik Google Maps)

Selain Blok M, yang masih terkenal adalah Blok A, sebab di sana ada pasar tradisional dan banyak terdapat toko-toko material. Sedangkan nama-nama blok lainnya hanya dikenal oleh orang yang tinggal di Kebayoran Baru secara khusus atau Jakarta Selatan secara umum.

Di Wikipedia bahasa Inggris ada perincian nama-nama blok di Kebayoran Baru ini. Di bawah ini saya kutip secara penuh, karena di Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia saat ini belum begitu lengkap:

  • Blok A is roughly bounded by Jalan Panglima Polim Raya to the west, Jalan Petogogan to the east, Jalan Ketimun I to the south and Jalan Kramat Pela to the north. Blok A is the southwestern most city block of Kebayoran Baru. The block is designed as a residential area served with the Blok A market to the south end of the block. Blok A is now the western part of Pulo Administrative Village.
  • Blok B is located north of Bloka A. It is the area bounded by Jalan Kramat Pela-Jalan Gandaria I to the south, Jalan Gandaria Tengah III - Jalan Melawai to the north, and Jalan Panglima Polim Raya to the east. The area was designed as a residential area west of Jalan Panglima Polim Raya. Several education facilities e.g. Tarakanita 1 Catholic school, and The old cemetery Kuburan Wakaf Sebrang is located in Blok B. Blok B is now part of Kramat Pela Administrative Village.
  • Blok C is located northeast of Blok B. The block is bounded by Jalan Kyai Maja to the north, Jalan Barito II to the west, Jalan Melawai to the south, and Jalan Panglima Polim Raya to the east. The area was designed as a residential area west of Jalan Panglima Polim Raya. The houses along Jalan Barito II were among the first to be constructed in the city block, roughly in 1949 (although very little of the original houses survived), and development of the rest of the block was completed in 1950. Blok C contains several post-war landmarks such as the office complex of the Attorney General (Kejaksaan Agung). Other original landmark of Blok C was the St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church near Ayodya Park. Blok C is now part of Kramat Pela Administrative Village.
  • Blok D is located west of Blok C. The block is bounded by Jalan Kyai Maja to the north, Jalan Gandaria I to the west, Jalan Gandaria Tengah III to the south, and Jalan Barito II to the east. Most of the area of Blok D has been developed in 1949, making it among the oldest city block of Kebayoran Baru. Blok D was designed as a residential area with large green spaces such as the green belt park Taman Barito and Taman Puring. Blok D is part of Kramat Pela Administrative Village.
  • Blok E is located north of Blok D. The block is bounded by Jalan Pakubuwono VI to the north, Jalan Lauser to the east, and Jalan Kyai Maja to the south. Blok E is the westernmost city block of the Kebayoran. Developed in 1949, it is the first block of Kebayoran Baru to be fully developed. The original design of Blok E was mostly allocated for residential area, especially free-standing villas. Among the original landmarks of Blok E were the Majestic Theatre in Nieuwe Bouwenn style (demolished, now the BNI office) and the shops of the market area (now called Pasar Mayestik, after the old theatre). The post-war Jengki houses of Blok E along Jalan Pakubuwono are among the most well-preserved post-war architecture in Indonesia.[9] Today some houses in Blok E have been commercialized, especially those along Jalan Pakubuwono. Blok E is currently part of Gunung Administrative Village.
  • Blok F, to the east of Blok E, is bounded by Jalan Lauser to the west, Jalan Pakubuwono VI to the north, Jalan Sisingamangaraja to the east, and Jalan Kyai Maja to the south. The area was designed as a denser residential area to the west of Jalan Sisingamangaraja. Public hospital Pertamina and sport complex Bulungan is located in Blok F.[9] The area is now part of Gunung Administrative Village.
  • Blok G is located northwest of Blok F. The relatively isolated block consists of residential area north of Jalan Pakubuwono, e.g. Jalan Martimbang and Jalan Ophir. Initially designed as a peripheral residential area surrounded by the green riparian zone of Grogol River's, during the course of time, the riparian zone trees of River Grogol has been occupied by new housings caused by lack of governmental control.[9] Blok G is currently part of Gunung Administrative Village.
  • Blok H marks the western part of the northern entrance to Kebayoran Baru residential area. The boundary of the city block is Jalan Hang Lekir to the west, Jalan Pakubuwono VI to the south, Jalan Sisingamangaraja to the east, and Jalan Hang Lekir 1 to the north. It is roughly located southwest of Patung Pemuda.[9]
  • Blok I is located east of Blok H. The block marks the eastern part of the northern entrance to Kebayoran Baru, southeast of the Patung Pemuda. Blok I contains several well-preserved post-war modernist architecture e.g. the flat of Bank Indonesia in Block J.[10] Blok I is now part of Selong Administrative Village.
  • Blok K was designed as the administrative center of Kebayoran area. It was allocated for public facilities and institutions - such as the Great Mosque (now Al-Azhar Great Mosque), the Banknote Factory (now Perum Peruri), and the ASEAN Secretariat Office - surrounding a Central Park (Taman Pusat). This Central Park was maintained as a park only until the late 1970s, when it is converted into government facilities e.g. the high-rise complex of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing. Blok K is bounded by Jalan Sisingamangaraja to the west, Jalan Pattimura to the east, and Jalan Trunojoyo to the south.[9] It is now part of Selong Administrative Village.
  • Blok L is marked by Jalan Sultan Hasanuddin - Jalan Iskandarsyah Raya to the southwest, Jalan Tirtayasa to the southeast, Jalan Gunawarman to the east, Jalan Kertanegara to the north, and Jalan Pattimura to the west. The urban block was designed largely as a residential area. Among the first buildings of Blok L is the Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Keuangan Kementerian Keuangan
  • Blok M area is marked by Jalan Melawai X to the north, Jalan Iskandarsyah Raya to the east, Jalan Melawai to the south, and Jalan Panglima Polim Raya to the west. The block was exclusively designed for middle-sized commercial area with government-owned Pasar Pusat (Central Market) at the center. The area is served with a bus terminal. Blok M is probably the best known blocks of Kebayoran Baru, the name has been used for names of shopping centers around the area e.g. Blok M Plaza and Blok M Mall. Today Blok M remains the commercial center of Kebayoran Baru, and is known for its food festival and Japanese culture. Blok M is currently located in Melawai Administrative Village.
  • Blok N is located south of Blok M. Blok N was a residential block bounded by Jalan Panglima Polim Raya to the west, Jalan Wijaya II to the south, Jalan Wijaya IX to the east, and Jalan Melawai to the north. The block was initially designed as residential area for middle-sized housing, single-floored villas, and double-floored villas. Today, some of the middle-sized houses has been converted into shops. Blok N is currently located in Melawai Administrative Village.
  • Blok O is located east of Blok N. Blok O is marked by Jalan Wijaya IX to the west, Jalan Melawai - Jalan Tirtayasa to the north, and Jalan Wijaya I and Jalan Wijaya II to the south. The area was designed as residential area, the north part of Blok O was allocated for the police academy. Today, Blok O is located in Melawai Administrative Village.
  • Blok P is located southeast of Kebayoran Baru. Blok P area is the first city block of Kebayoran Baru if entered through Kemang. Blok P was initially designed as residential area surrounded by green belt parks and the riparian zone of Krukut River. Blok P was also initially allocated for a police dormitory complex, storage area, and a large Muslim cemetery. Today the police dormitory has been converted into the Wijaya commercial center and Dharmawangsa Square, the area for storage has been converted into houses, while the Muslim cemetery was removed and transformed into the Municipal Office of South Jakarta. Blok P is currently located in Melawai Administrative Village.
  • Blok Q is marked by Jalan Kertanegara to the north, Jalan Gunawarman - Prof. Joko Sutono SH to the west, Jalan Wijaya I to the south, and Jalan Suryo to the east. Jalan Wolter Monginsidi is aligned east-west in the middle of Blok Q, dividing the area into two half north and south. Similar with Blok A, the original land use of Blok Q contained an area allocated for public housing (perumahan rakyat). Today, some houses, especially those located in Jalan Wolter Monginsidi, has been converted into commercial area. Blok Q is now part of Petogogan Administrative Village.
  • Triangular shaped Blok R is marked by Jalan Senopati to the north, Jalan Gunawarman to the west, and Jalan Kertanegara to the south. It was originally allocated for middle-sized housings. Today, some houses, especially those along Jalan Senopati, has been commercialized. Blok R is currently part of Rawa Barat Administrative Village.
  • Blok S is the easternmost city block of Kebayoran Baru. Blok S is marked by Blok S soccer field. The boundary of Blok S are the Krukut to the east, Jalan Wolter Monginsidi to the south, and Jalan Suryo to the west. The area of Jalan Kebalen was originally allocated for public housing (perumahan rakyat).[9] During the course of years, the riverbank of River Krukut in Blok S area was occupied by settlements, reducing the width of the river Krukut which causing annual flooding problems in Jakarta. In 2015, the government of Jakarta demolished some of the illegal riverbank settlements of River Krukut in Blok S in an attempt to widen the river. Blok S is currently part of Rawa Barat Administrative Village.

Jadi kesimpulannya Blok M itu merujuk kepada suatu daerah di Kebayoran Baru.

Semoga ini menjawab pertanyaan Anda.

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