Sebenarnya ini fenomena unik bahwa orang Tionghoa sekarang di negara manapun, tidak hanya di Indonesia, punya kecederungan enggan punya anak [banyak] maupun kawin [cepat]. Tidak hanya orang Tionghoa, tapi juga semua orang Asia Timur. Di negara mayoritas orang Asia Timur seperti Cina, Korea, Jepang, Taiwan, bahkan Singapura masalah ini malah lebih serius lagi. Orang sampai diberi insentif untuk segera kawin dan punya anak!

These Chinese villages are paying couples to have more children
With China facing a looming demographic crisis, the government last month passed into law a three-child policy raising the permitted limit on family sizes.
Japan is trying really hard to persuade women to start having babies again
To do that, it's putting in place the kinds of family-friendly policies experts say are needed around the world.
Seoul is giving parents over $1,600 in cash vouchers for each baby born in 2022
South Korea is contending with a .84 fertility rate — the lowest in the world.
Taipei hikes child birth subsidies in bid to spur population growth - Focus Taiwan
Taipei, March 16 (CNA) Parents in Taipei will now receive an extra NT$5,000 (US$175.16) in subsidy at the birth of their second and third child, the city government said Wednesday, citing a need to increase the city's dwindling population.
IRAS | Parenthood Tax Rebate (PTR)
Married, divorced or widowed parents may claim tax rebates of up to $20,000 per child. As Parenthood Tax Rebate (PTR) is a one-off rebate, you may only claim PTR on a qualifying child once.


Sejauh saya mencari, tidak ada alasan pasti. Fenomena ini terjadi secara alami. Sering kali ini dikaitkan dengan faktor sosioekonomi. Tapi itu tidak terlalu menjawab karena setiap negara punya kondisi berbeda.

Tapi satu hal yang pasti, orang Asia Timur di masa kini tidak terlalu "bernafsu" untuk segera kawin dan punya anak. Kecenderungan biologis? Mungkin.

Ada penelitian yang mengaitkan kecerdasan dengan fertilitas.

Fertility and intelligence - Wikipedia
The relationship between fertility and intelligence has been investigated in many demographic studies. There is evidence that, on a population level, intelligence is negatively correlated with fertility rate and positively correlated with survival rate of offspring . [1] Proponents of dysgenics postulate that, if the inverse correlation of IQ with fertility rate is stronger than the correlation of IQ with survival rate, and if the correlation between IQ and fertility can be linked to genetic factors, then the hereditary component of IQ will decrease with every new generation, eventually giving rise to a 'reversed Flynn effect ', as has been observed in Norway, Denmark, Australia, Britain, the Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, France and German-speaking countries, where a slow decline in average IQ scores has been noted since the 1990s. [2] [3] [4] [5] However, detractors point out that genetic studies have shown no evidence for dysgenic effects in human populations [5] [6] [7] and the theory's strong association with scientific racism and eugenics . [8] [9] They also note that the Flynn effect demonstrates an increase in phenotypic IQ scores over time in most other countries. Additionally, complicating any assessment of decreases in intelligence over time is the reliance on IQ as a unbiased measure of intelligence, which has been criticised by some scientists such as Stephen Jay Gould . [10] Other correlates of IQ include income and educational attainment, [11] which are also fertility factors that are inversely correlated with fertility rate, and are to some degree heritable. Although fertility measures offspring per woman, if one needs to predict population-level changes, the average age of motherhood also needs to be considered, with lower age of motherhood potentially having a greater effect than fertility rate. For example, a subpopulation with fertility rate of 4 with average age of reproduction at 40 years old, generally speaking, will have relatively less genotypical growth than a subpopulation with fertility rate of three but average age of reproduction at 20 years old. Early views and research Edit The negative correlation between fertility and intelligence (as measured by IQ ) has been argued to have existed in many parts of the world. Early studies, however, were "superficial and illusory" and not clearly supported by the limited data they collected. [1] Some of the first studies into the subject were carried out on individuals living before the advent of IQ testing, in the late 19th century, by looking at the fertility of men listed in Who's Who , these individuals being presumably of high intelligence. These men, taken as a whole, had few children, implying a correlation. [12] [13] More rigorous studies carried out on Americans alive after the Second World War returned different results suggesting a slight positive correlation with respect to intelligence. The findings from these investigations were consistent enough for Osborn and Baj

Kebetulan, IQ rata-rata negara dengan populasi orang Asia Timur adalah yang teratas dunia.


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